Judokas practice in the evening at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.
The Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.
A judoka takes ‘ice bath’ in a drum filled with ice and water as others wait for their turn at the end of their day’s practice at the Judo Traini ng Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.
Amarjit Shastri is the coach at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Judokas practice at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
A judoka climbs up a rope to increase grip and strength as part of his training regimen at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
A game of basket ball in progress at a court next to the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Rohit, 15, as he gets ready to leave for his morning judo training session, at his house in the Nangalkotli neighbourhood of Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Prizes won by Rohit, 15, and Sajan, 14, share space with their old photos and religious posters in their housein the Nangalkotli neighbourhood of Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.
Rohit ,15, helps a fellow judoka with his cool-down stretches after their morning practice at the Judo Training Centre in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Rohit, 15, and Sajan, 14, have their breaksfast before leaving for school in the morning at their house in the Nangalkotli neighbourhood of Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Rohit, 15, and Sajan, 14, walk to school from their house in the Nangalkotli neighbourhood of Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016
Rohit, 15, and Sajan, 14, play with their neighbour’s son before a siesta at their house in the Nangalkotli neighbourhood of Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
Young judokas do chin-ups as part of their training regimen at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.
Sajan, 14, during his evening judo practice at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 05, 2016.
A parent waits to pick up his son after the day’s judo practice at the Judo Training Center in Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. August 04, 2016.